Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sabibi and Labuanbajo

We left our anchorage at the "hidden bay" on a calm sunny November 10th morning for an overnighter to the southwest side of Sabibi Island (Indonesia). We dropped the hook at S08°22.098' E120°00.814' and immediately leaped into the water. The water was at the highest temperature that we have encountered yet at 31.5°C and the day was more sultry than yesterday.

There was some coral not too far from Sea Turtle: green stag, blue stag, lots of vivid purple coral and yellow coral. Fish: the regular small bright blue fish and colourful angel fish. We took the dinghy ashore to extremely white sandy beaches where we noticed some folks bagging sand for cement but quickly had to leave as Sea Turtle was dragging and heavy rain clouds were overhead.

We left November 12th on a glassy calm day and we had to motor all the way to Labuanbajo (S08°29.685' E119°52.290').

Too calm to see horizon

On our passage, we saw mostly brown hills with little greenery, lots of floating sea grass, and baby blue water colour. The green hills seem to be in the past now at least until the rainy season.

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