Sunday, March 06, 2011

Beyond description

After a lazy day, we untied the dock lines at 18:15 and started towards Puerto Escondido on the south coast of mainland Mexico in Oaxaca. (Yes, there is another Puerto Escondido on the Baja.) The sky was very cloudy over Acapulco but cleared as we continued to head SE. This will be a 2-night passage.

Around 22:30, we once again were treated to the spectacular 45-minute show of dozens of dolphins all around us lit up with the phosphorescence of the water - approaching Sea Turtle with lightning speed, zigzagging, shooting away, and then rocketing back trailing 15-metre long brilliant luminous streaks. We could hear as they were rising for deep breaths of air.

This is one part of our journeying that we wish everyone could experience - seeing this sight in the dark of night is beyond the mere description of words and the ability of our cameras.

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