Sunday, May 25, 2014

Carpe diem

As we were sitting in the cockpit of Sea Turtle, I asked Judy if we might be forgetting to share with our blog reader some of our quieter pleasant moments that we may be taking for granted.

Yes, our readers can travel vicariously through the blog, sharing in our peripatetic adventures and interesting encounters by depiction in words and pictures.

But what about the simple serene but no less impressive moments like this near perfect evening. A setting that some people would give their eye teeth for.

It was later in the afternoon when we returned to Sea Turtle at the marina after a busy day of errands. We both picked up our books and took up a comfortable spots in the cockpit to unwind. But as the sun began to set, we stopped our reading and looked around to enjoy once again the serenity of time and place,

So now, we invite you, our readers, into the cockpit for a visit and to enjoy with us what has become a not so uncommon part of our lives.
"Come aboard. We just pulled out of the fridge a cool bottle of Argentine Vino Blanco wine. Would you like a glass? It will go down well in the fading heat.

And you are here just in time to enjoy the sunset with us. Here is a cushion.

My favourite time of day is when I have my coffee in the cockpit in the early morning and then again like now in the evenings at sunset.

Those boats chugging along over in the distance? Yes, they are heading back from a day of dredging up the channel. In a few minutes, when their wake finally makes its way to us, you will feel a gentle rocking, a soothing sensation no doubt ingrained in us from infancy.

If you are lucky, later when heading up the pier, you might be lucky enough to see large butterflies perched about as we have seen the last few nights. But yes of course, I understand you are in no hurry to leave right now.

Look now guys! The sky is aglow with the setting sun. Isn't it neat how the silhouette of the sailboat rigging provides an interesting contrast?

It's so nice to have you here for this short visit. Carpe diem, no?"
So this is the other side of adventure. Simple. But it's just as memorable. We mustn't forget to share it with you from time to time.
"Come again soon!"

1 comment:

SV Pelagia said...

Sounds exactly like our 3.5 months in La Paz BCS this past cruising season.