Saturday, September 22, 2007

Back into the water

Here is a short (but not very good!) video of Sea Turtle being put back into the ocean after all the scraping, sanding, and repainting...

Scraping a boat is considered the worst job of all boat maintenance by most - if not all - sailors!

Our next step was having the newly painted mast put back on...

Slowly being raised

Finally in place

Friday, September 21, 2007

Boat prep

Jordan sanding for new window

A lot of work was required to prepare Sea Turtle for offshore voyaging. As she was built in 1977, we wanted to update her appearance and add all the necessary equipment for going offshore.

Judy drilling for new window

Following are some of the things we have done since December 2005:
  • remove 8 of the smallest windows and install new homemade ones with material stronger than plexiglass
  • scrape and sand 30 years of bottom paint, then paint with 4 coats of barrier coat (dries rock hard) and 2 coats of burgundy anti-fouling paint - sooo smooth now
  • scrape, sand, and refinish exterior teak with Cetol with beautiful results
  • sand and paint upper red stripe to match the burgundy waterline stripe/lower hull
  • sand/polish and wax upper hull to look new again
  • remove former name and (soon) attach her new name of Sea Turtle IV
  • pull all rug from floor, walls, and ceiling!!!!!!!!
  • have new rigging installed

Finally, all painted and polished, waiting to go back into the water!!

Some of the many things to do in the future:
  • re-do entire electrical system
  • lay new flooring throughout including teak and holly sole in the salon area
  • install new ceilings and woodwork
  • make solar arch and install with solar panels
  • install new holding tank
  • new head sail
  • have new countertops installed
  • install electronics
  • new dodger

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mind prep

To prepare for our upcoming offshore voyages in 2008, we have taken many courses and also joined Bluewater Cruising Association and Fleet (a sub-group of BCA for those wishing to sail offshore in the next year or so). These meetings and courses have been an invaluable source of knowledge and friendships.

Some of the courses that we have taken:
  • getting our Ham licenses (Jordan: VA7 YYJ and Judy: VA7 TAC)
  • learning how to repair a sail while underway
  • sailing psychology and provisioning
  • fibreglass repair course for Jordan
  • weather classes to learn all about reading weather charts, avoiding bad weather, "virtual passages", etc.
Some of the meetings contained information on the following topics:
  • heavy weather sailing and preparation
  • information on types of communication available while sailing (Sailmail, Airmail, Winlink, etc.)
  • talks from DOERS and DONERS covering everything imaginable (we are presently called DREAMERS, those who are off sailing are called DOERS, and those who have returned are called DONERS)
  • outboard and diesel maintenance/troubleshooting
  • galvanic corrosion control, solar panels, water makers
  • suggested first aid supplies and tips offered by doctors who are also sailors
  • rigging tips and information, refrigeration information
  • seeing a life raft inflate and also inflating your own lifejacket
  • and of course, setting up a blog!
As you can see, we have been learning all kinds of useful stuff!